Railway Tension Insulator

Railway Tension Insulators:

Voltage: 25kv

Usage: Electrified Railway Catenary

Material: HTV silicone rubber, fiber glass core rod

Type: Ball and socket, clevis and tongue, or others


Railway tension insulators are intended to be cut into a tensioned conductor. They separate one electrical section from another or from an earthed structure.

Since the tension insulators are used on the railway catenary lines, expect the tensile strength, torsion strength is also important, to meet the tortional load, choosing a bigger fiber glass core rod is necessary than transmission long rod insulators.

Rated Voltage: 25kv Creepage Distance: Around 1100mm-1250mm except some high pollution area. End Fitting Type: Ball, socket, clevis, tongue, hook...


Important parameter: (if you want to enquire, the following must be provided)

Section Length Creepage Distance Dry Acring Distance Tensile Strength Torsional Strength End Fitting Type And Its Dimensions

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